
Harry Matkovsky

Executive & Career Coach

Staff Member 5

Harry holds an MA from the SIT Graduate Institute in International Management, a Graduate Diploma in Education the University of New England (Australia), and a bachelor’s degree in political science from Macquarie University (Australia).


For the last fifteen years, Harry has interwoven leadership, facilitation, and service in several non-profit institutions. He has inspired individuals, groups, and institutions to reach beyond the ordinary to achieve breakthrough success. A gifted facilitator, Harry designs and delivers paradigm changing, leading-edge development programs for leadership and personal development – with over 20,000 hours of design and delivery experience. An experienced coach, Harry has over 5,000 hours of experience delivering executive coaching, life coaching, and interpersonal relationship coaching engagements. He is committed to creating a world of potent, gifted, and ethical transformational leaders.

Coaching offers a way forward, so you can start transforming your life and turn your dreams into reality.